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- Reserved Server Slot


This product will allow you to join any of our servers when they are full without delay!


This product may have a prefix and color added in the future, if you have any ideas for these please message Modern_Mo on Discord with any ideas.

Reserved Slot

  • Any purchases at Modern Role-Play are non-refundable.

    Only one exeption is if you cannot recieve your purchase, you will then be refunded. If banned, kicked or if your purchase has been revoked you cannot recieve a refund.


    Possible reasons for your purchase to be removed:

    -Rule breaking



    -Threating to DDOS/DOS or harm another person in any way.

    -Abusing purchase

    -And other smaller reasons

  • By making any purchasing here at Modern Role-Play, you agree to:

    -Follow any and all rules

    -Respect others


    If found breaking any rules, you may be banned and or have your purchase removed without warning.

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